Port Operation

PTEC has started new field of logistic services which is called Port Operation since 2012. Sahel Gostar Pars as one of our affiliated companies fulfills a portfolio of activities which consists of: port engineering, container operation, port equipment operation and maintenance, intermodal transport and transshipment, marketing, consignments traffic and terminal management, temporary warehousing, bunkering, customs clearance, financial and accounting affairs, administrative connections to governmental organizations and tenants, safety, security and human resources management, IT services, value added services, consultancy, and also catering and hoteling. We have this ability to do mentioned services in north and south Iranian ports and future dry ports. 

 For port operation, Pls. contact: (+9821)88708773, Email: info@sahelgostarpars.ir,

 (+9821) 88576451 Email: commerce@ptc-ir.com